Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Bare Naked Cupcakes

Good evening, all.

So as I was baking cupcakes for a friend's birthday a few days ago, I realized I've been slightly neglecting the baking side of my cupcakes.

My apologies.

But don't you even worry about it. Because today that shall change. Be prepared to be overwhelmed with my baking knowledge.

Ha. Just kidding.

But I do have some recipes to share with you, my darlings. Okay that's a lie. I have one, only one recipe. But I would also like to resurface a recipe I shared a long time ago. You know, like before people actually read my blog.

I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but vanilla cupcakes are my favorite. Like favorite evers. So why, you ask, have I never shared my vanilla cupcake recipe? I'm super protective of it.
Only jokes. I really don't know why. But here it is!

Vanilla Cupcakes
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 1 3/4 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 cup milk
*Pre-heat oven to 350°F
*Cream the sugar and softened butter, beat in eggs and vanilla
*Beat in the flour and baking powder
*Stir in the milk
*Pour batter into greased and floured cake pan or a lined muffin tin
*Bake for 30-40 minutes (9x9 pan)
                 20 minutes (cupcakes)

And that's that. Super easy and super yummy!

I like to experiment with this recipe just because it's so simple.  Adding some sprinkles into the batter makes a really sweet (haha puntastic) funfetti cake. Also swapping the vanilla with coconut or mint or lemon extract is super good.

Recipe one= shared.

Recipe two= here it comes!

Well, I'm just going to pop up a link for y'all to follow instead of writing it all out again.

What beautiful cupcakes. Even before they got decorated.

Now don't get me wrong, I did indeed decorate these guys...and they will indeed be appearing in a future post. Just be patient with me.

On the count of three now. ONE. TWO. THREE.


Yes, you. And you. You too.

Well that's all I have for today, join me next time for "What summer looks like on a Cupcake."

Au revoir
Sydney <3

Friday, April 13, 2012

John 11:25

Friday, April 13th.
Hmmm, good thing I don't believe in superstitions.

Well today is my sister's birthday! Yay! So HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHELSEA! :)

So we all know that last weekend was Easter, and that's pretty sweet.
Anyways, I found this verse the other day and I thought it was cool:
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever
believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live,"
John 11:25
Lets face it, we usually overlook the real reason behind the Easter weekend. Now I'm not pointing fingers, I admit to being one of those people. Here's how I see it: In the end, are you really going to remember how many chocolate bunnies you got? Or how many Cadbury Creme Eggs you ate? And who's going to remember if the ham was dry or the mashed potatoes got cold? Nobody. Give it a week and none of that will be important anymore.

I, for one, will remember that I'm a sinner who can freely say I'm saved from death. And I have a home waiting for me that's far greater then this place we currently call home.
So what was so great about your Easter? Maybe something a little deeper than overdosing on chocolate...
BUT, don't get me wrong. I do love the food aspect of Easter! It's one of the best occasions for cupcakes making. And so that is just what I did.
Who loves lame jokes? This kid does, so here's a knee-slapper for ya :)

What do you get when you pour hot water down a rabbit hole?

Ahaha. Haha. Ha. Funny right? I thought so.
Okay, enough joking around. I am a serious people. So cereal. Like this video

You better have laughed at that...if you didn't, you are an awful human being.
Only jokes, I love you all.

FOCUS! Stop distracting me! So a few weeks ago a lady I work with asked me to make her some Easter cupcakes for her grandkids. And I decided upon the bunnies. I've made them before so I figured I could do it again. And the bunnies have improved!

First Bunnies (from over a year ago)
New Bunnies :)
I personally think the new ones are a lot cuter...but that's coming from a girl who thinks food is cute.

Alright so that was the first topic for this post. On to number two!

Rice Krispie Easter Eggs!

Well, usually my mother and I create Rice Krispie nests...but things change. Haha, well here's the truth. My mom made the nests...with left over Rice Krispies from Christmas (You're welcome, mom, for sharing that). And as one could guess...they were a tad stale tasting. So naturally we ate the nests and made some eggs instead (with new rice krispies).

And what nest of eggs is complete without a hatchling? None. So let me introduce you to my little friend. Mr. Littlest Pet Shop duck. Isn't he just the cutest? I think so.
Well this is what our house looked like at Easter...good times, good times.

Oh, and today is National Blame Somebody Else Day. So...this is all your fault!!!!
I'm sorry, that was mean. Forgive me? I'll bribe you with cupcakes! :)
Alrighty, well I'm on my way to Winnipeg for a Kutless concert....and I guess I should start packing...

Good bye, all. Have a fun Friday the 13th!
Sydney <3